Course Enquiry Form For General Applicants Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *EmailPhone Number *What course do you want to study *DCA (Diploma in Computer Applications)PGDCA (Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications)PDCFA (Professional Diploma in Computerized Financial Accounting)CTTC (Diploma in Computer Teacher Training Course)CPPTTC (Diploma in Computer Pre Primary Teachers Training Course)PDDTP (Professional Diploma in Desktop Publishing)DOA (Diploma in Office Automation)DGSTP (Diploma in GST Practice)PDWD (Professional Diploma in Web Designing)PDCAD (Professional Diploma in Computer Aided Design)Short Term CoursesCERTIFICATE IN MS-OFFICE & INTERNETCERTIFICATE IN ACCOUNTS [TALLY]CERTIFICATE IN DESKTOP PUBLISHINGCERTIFICATE IN DATA ENTRY OPERATIONCERTIFICATE IN VB & VB.NET PROGRAMMINGCERTIFICATE IN LINUX [UBUNTU]CERTIFICATE IN C++ PROGRAMMINGTally Certified CoursesTally BasicsTally GuruTally AceTally ProTally GSTComment or MessagePhoneSubmit Kindly submit your Enquiry so that we can promptly reply